مجلة Textual Turnings

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Journal title: Textual Turnings

Journal initials: T. T.

Publisher: the Department of English

Owner: Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University

Online Issn: 2735-3451

Print issn: 2636-4069

Journal summary/About the journal Textual Turnings published its first issue in 2019. It is an annual, academic, peer-reviewed journal, published in English by the Department of English, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain shams University. It is devoted to studies in the general field of English Studies.

Aim and Scope:

Textual Turnings is an annual, peer-reviewed journal published in English by the Department of English, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain shams University. Its first issue appeared in 2019 and it is devoted to studies in the general field of English Studies (linguistics, literature and literary theory, cultural studies, translation and interpretation studies, etc.). Each issue goes through a meticulous peer-reviewing process. The journal invites both seasoned academics and budding scholars to publish in it in the hope of enriching the academic arena.


1- To Provide a channel for researchers and authors to present their perspectives in scholarship in the field of English studies.

2- To promote cross-cultural, interdisciplinary and applied research in the field.

3- To feature current trends, theories, ideas and concepts in the field.

Chairperson of the Board

Prof. Salwa Rashad, Ain Shams University


Deputy Chairperson of the Board

Prof. Ashraf Attia, Ain Shams University


Editor in Chief

Prof. Fadwa AbdelRahman, Ain Shams University


Managing Editor

Prof. Samar Abdelsalam, Ain Shams University (samar.abdelsalam@alsun.asu.edu.eg)

Associate Editor

Weaam Sobhy Mohamed Afifi


Section Heads

Literature: Dr. Manal Shalaby )manal.shalaby@alsun.asu.edu.eg(

Linguistics: Associate Prof. Ahmed Seddik (ahmedalwahy@alsun.asu.edu.eg)

Translation: Associate Prof. Radwa Kotait (radwa_kotait@alsun.asu.edu.eg)

Advisory Board: (in Alphabetical Order)

Prof. Reem Bassiouny  American University in Cairo (reem.bassiouney@aucegypt.edu)

Dr. Sameh Hanna, Leeds University (S.Hanna@leeds.ac.uk)

Prof. Margarate Mills Harper, University of Limerick (margaret.harper@ul.ie)

Prof. Walid El Khachab, York University (walid@yorku.ca)

Prof. Mohammad Salama, San Francisco State University (mrsalama@sfsu.edu)

Prof. Usama Soltan, Middlebury College (Vermont, USA) (usoltan@middlebury.edu)

Prof. Calvin Thomas, Georgia State University (cthomas@gsu.edu)

Prof. Marta Werner, D’Youville College (Mwerner7@luc.edu)

Publication Guidelines

Articles should be unique and not under refereeing by another journal at the time of submission

Articles should be double-spaced, between 6000-8000 words

Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

Literary articles should follow the latest MLA style sheet; Linguistics & Translation articles should follow the APA style sheet.

Font is Times New Roman 12 for body paragraphs; 14 bold for titles.

Endnotes should be kept to a minimum and typed as text (that is, do NOT use automatic computer electronic footnote facilities)

ضوابط النشر

يتعين أن تكون البحوث جديدة، لم يسبق نشرها في دورية أخرى، وليست قيد المراجعة لدي دورية أخرى

بين 6000 إلى 8000 كلمة، والمسافة بين الأسطر مزدوجة

تسلم البحوث في صورة مايكروسوفت وورد

تلتزم بحوث الأدب بنظام MLA والترجمة واللغويات بنظام APA

الفنط المستخدم Times New Roman، 12 للمتن، و14 bold للعناوين، وتستخدم الحواشي الختامية باعتدال وتطبع مثل المتن (لا يتم استخدام تطبيقات الحواشي الإليكترونية)

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